qualifications: PhD
contribution: wrote the first draft
position: Lecturer
Lecturer in Public Health; PhD. Research interests - rural and remote health; rural telecommunications; qualitatie research; cancer care; education.
qualifications: PhD
contribution: supervised data collection
position: Research associate
Interested in the following research areas: primary health care, social determinants of health, breastfeeding
qualifications: PhD
contribution: contributed to drafts
position: Research fellow
qualifications: PhD
contribution: statistical analysis
position: Senior epidemiologist
Research interests are population health and musculoskeletal epidemiology
qualifications: PhD
contribution: contributed to drafts
position: Senior lecturer
Areas of interest are: Public health, social determinants of health, mental health and wellbeing, smoking cessation, resilience, equity in bowel cancer screening, food security, theories of trust.
qualifications: MA
contribution: contributed to drafts
position: Senior lecturer
My expertise is in social research and evaluation in health. I am particularly interested in the methods used to access authentic accounts from difficult to access groups, particularly migrant groups.
qualifications: PhD
contribution: contributed to drafts
position: Associate professor
qualifications: PhD
contribution: contributed to drafts
position: Foundation Chair of Cancer Prevention
Behavioural Science Cancer Prevention Decision Support Tools Health Promotion
Farming and the risk of developing osteoarthritis in Alberta, Canada
Access to maternal health services for Indigenous women in low- and middle-income countries
Virtual communities of practice for novice occupational therapists
UBUNTU 2024: People, Place, and Policy for Community Wellness, 10–13 September 2024, Cape Town, South Africa
web link
23rd International Balint Congress, 9–13 September 2024, Boulder, CO, USA
web link
17th National Rural Health Conference, 16–18 September 2024, Perth, WA, Australia
web link
15th National Rural & Remote Allied Health Conference (SARRAH), 21–23 October 2024, Mildura, Australia
web link
RMA24, 23–26 October 2024, Darwin, NT, Australia
web link
International Conference on Rural Nursing and Rural Health (ICRNRH), 28–29 October 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
web link
15th National Rural & Remote Allied Health Conference: Going the distance, 21–23 October 2024, Mildura, Vic., Australia
web link
Rural GP Association of Scotland (RGPAS) Annual Conference #RGPAS24, 15–17 November 2024, Inverness, Scotland
web link
11th Biennial Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors Congress (PRIDoC) 2024, 2–6 December 2024, Kaurna Country, Adelaide, Australia
web link
4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
web link