Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Extending the paramedic role in rural Australia: a story of flexibility and innovation

Peter  O'Meara

Prof Peter O'Meara

qualifications: PhD

contribution: designed the project

position: Professor

Dr Peter O'Meara is a long time paramedic researcher and holds an Adjunct Professorship with Monash University. Over the last 20 years he has undertaken and published a wide range of research related to rural health and paramedic services including the emergence of new models of paramedic practice and the management of volunteers.

Vianne  Tourle

Vianne Tourle

qualifications: BEc

contribution: contributed to drafts

position: Research assistant


Vianne works as a Research Associate at Charles Sturt University, Bathurst. She brings to the position experience in rural community development, social development, and project management in both arts and health. Vianne has assisted research programmes in the fields of paramedicine; crisis communication; secondary education, gender and IT; incentives and motivations for rural teachers; media and information technology.

Christine   Stirling

A/Prof Christine Stirling

qualifications: PhD

contribution: original concept

position: Senior lecturer


Associate Professor Christine Stirling has a career long interest in improving community based healthcare through nursing practice and research.

Judi  Walker

Prof Judi Walker

qualifications: PhD

contribution: original concept

position: Professor


Professor Judi Walker holds the inaugural Chair of Rural Health at the University of Tasmania, recognising the significant contribution she has made to the development of academic rural health in Australia. Her background and achievements exemplify the interdisciplinary and multiprofessional nature of rural health. Judi has overall responsibility for the Faculty of Health Science's rural health portfolio. She is Chief Executive of the University's Rural Clinical School - a conjoint appointment with the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services. Judi has an international reputation for practice and research in rural medical/health professional education, interdisciplinary education,innovation in health service delivery and education and training for health workforce reform. She leads a research team looking at health care models and policy approaches for rural older people. Judi has a longstanding engagement with paramedic education and is a member of the national Ambulance Education Council. In 2005 she completed a significant consultancy for the Council of Ambulance Authorities and developed Australia's national accreditation system for university paramedic programs.

Daryl  Pedler

Daryl Pedler

qualifications: DHSc

contribution: original concept

position: Associate professor


I am presently the Director of the Rural Community Clinical School (Graduate entry medical course) for Deakin University in Victoria, Australia. My research interests are injury related, (with a particular interest in Farm Injury), health professional education and population health.

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