Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Factors associated with rural work for nursing and allied health graduates 15–17 years after an undergraduate rural placement through the University Department of Rural Health program

Denese  Playford

A/Prof Denese Playford

qualifications: BA (Hons), MCS, PhD (West Aust)

contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Associate Professor, RCSWA, School of Medicine


I work as medical educator for The Rural Clinical School of Western Australia, reaching academics in 14 widely distributed sites and approximately 90 students per annum, to ensure assessment is standardised, curriculum is well supported, and evaluation is conducted each year.

I am interested in the development of a rural workforce, describing workforce trends, and building local communities of practice. I'm also interested in service learning as a way of engaging medical students' values and transformative learning as a way to change students' perspectives about what's important in their work and life.

Monica C Moran

A/Prof Monica Moran

qualifications: DocSocSc, MPhil(OT) GCertClinED, DipCOT

contribution: Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Associate Professor

Sandra  Thompson

Prof Sandra Thompson

qualifications: FAFPHM

contribution: Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Professor and Director

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