Introduction: Mortality is affected by several factors including the place of residence. Several studies have found a gap in mortality between urban and rural residents. This study aimed to describe adjusted mortality rates in urban and rural areas of Mexico.
Methods: Adjusted mortality rate per 100,000 inhabitants was estimated in urban and rural areas of Mexico, were grouped by sex, age, and main cause of death. Trend analysis was performed with a logarithmic regression of adjusted rates.
Results: Mortality was higher in urban (622.1/100,000 inhabitants) than rural (549.5/100,000 inhabitants) areas of Mexico. Males showed the highest mortality rate in both studied areas, urban and rural. (737.8, and 634.4/100,000 inhabitants respectively). A significant annual decrease of 0.5% in mortality rates was observed in both areas.
Conclusion: In Mexico, there is a gap in mortality rates based on individuals’ place of residence. Those that live in urban areas present the highest mortality rates.
Keywords: cancer, cardiovascular, external causes, mortality, rural, urban.