Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Do rural and remote areas really have limited accessibility to health care? Geographic analysis of dialysis patients in Hiroshima, Japan

Masatoshi  Matsumoto

Prof Masatoshi Matsumoto

qualifications: MD

contribution: original concept, designed the project, literature review, collected data, statistical analysis, wrote the first draft

position: Associate professor


Masatoshi Matsumoto is the professor of rural health at Hiroshima University, Japan. He is a general practitioner who worked for some years in the least populated mountain village in rural Japan. He has taught rural health at Jichi Medical University, the Japanese medical school founded solely for producing rural doctors, for more than ten years. His academic interests are rural health policy, rural medical education, medical anthropology and rural community-based epidemiology.

Saori  Kashima

Saori Kashima

qualifications: PhD

contribution: designed the project, statistical analysis, contributed to drafts

position: Assistant professor


Takahiko  Ogawa

Takahiko Ogawa

qualifications: MD

contribution: original concept, contributed to drafts

position: Director

Keisuke   Takeuchi

Keisuke Takeuchi

qualifications: MD

contribution: original concept, designed the project, contributed to drafts

position: Professor

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