Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Fatty acids composition and food consumption among reindeer herders and urban inhabitants of the European North of Russia

Alexandra  Lyudinina

Alexandra Lyudinina

qualifications: PhD

contribution: collected data, literature review, statistical analysis, wrote the first draft, input data

position: Research worker

Russian Federation

lipids, fatty acids, gas chromatography, human

Tatyana V Eseva

Tatyana Eseva

contribution: collected data, contributed to drafts, statistical analysis, devised survey tool

position: Research worker

Natalya N Potolitsyna

Natalya Potolitsyna

qualifications: PhD

contribution: collected data, supplied data, contributed to drafts

position: Research worker

Aleksey A Chernykh

Aleksey Chernykh

contribution: wrote the first draft, contributed to drafts, statistical analysis

position: Research worker

Evgeny R Bojko

Evgeny Bojko

qualifications: MD

contribution: original concept, designed the project, contributed to drafts, scientific supervisor

position: Head of department

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