Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Importance of the patient's clinical questionnaire for the diagnosis of skin cancer through teledermatology in remote areas of Brazil

Carlos Eduardo Goulart Silveira

Mr Carlos Eduardo Silveira

qualifications: Masters

contribution: original concept, designed the project

position: Doctor


Medical degree from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santos(2004), medical residency programm in family and community medicine, University of São Paulo, campus of Ribeirão Preto (USP-RP) (2006); specialist in oncology prevention(2008), master's degree in cancer epidemiology(2013) both at Barretos Cancer Hospital, where currently work at the prevention department. With a large experience on oncological prevention of skin, prostate, breast, bowel and cervical cancer.

Fabiana  de Lima Vazquez

Fabiana De Lima Vazquez

qualifications: PhD

position: Researcher

Epidemiologist, researcher and member of the Ethics Committee Researched in Barretos Cancer Hospital. Experience in epidemiology and public health. Areas of interest: Public Health, Health Education, Prevention, Skin Cancer, Oncology, Epidemiology, Cancer Epidemiology, Scientific Methodology, Research Ethics.

Thiago Buosi Silva

Dr Thiago Silva ORCID logo

qualifications: PhD

position: Research coordinator

Laise C Barros

Laise Barros

qualifications: Postgraduate degree

position: Doctor

José Humberto TG Fregnani

José Humberto Fregnani

qualifications: PhD

position: Doctor

Cleyton Z Oliveira

Cleyton Oliveira

qualifications: Masters

position: Biostatistician

René AC Vieira

René Vieira

qualifications: PhD

position: Doctor

Raphael  Haikel

Raphael Haikel

qualifications: PhD

position: Researcher


Adhemar  Longatto-Filho

Adhemar Longatto-Filho

qualifications: PhD

position: Researcher

André L Carvalho

André Carvalho

qualifications: PhD

position: Doctor

Edmundo  Mauad

Edmundo Mauad

qualifications: PhD

position: Doctor

I am a medical doctor and Director of Barretos Cancer Hospital and Head of Early Cancer Detection Departmen for the last 14 years. I have done my Master Degree in England (Bristol University)and Ph.D in Brazil. I have been working with community intervention mainly poor population trying to convence then to do exams for early cancer detection. In Breast Cancer I work with organized screening and in Cervical, Prostate and Skin Cancer with opportunistic screening. I have 5 Mobile Units in my department for screening of cancer in region around Barretos city and others states close to Amazonas area.

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