qualifications: EdD
contribution: original concept
position: Director
Janie Dade Smith is Professor of Innovations in Medical Education at Bond University. She is the previous President of CRANAplus the peak body for all remote health. Janie was previously Director of RhED Consulting Pty Ltd. She is a health educationalist who has worked extensively in rural and remote Australia across all health disciplines and a board range of government and non government sectors. She is author of Australia's rural, remote and Indigenous health, the 3rd edition was published in 2016 by Elsevier Australia. Her particular areas of interest are: innovative education, remote health, interprofessional education, rural and remote workforce issues, curriculum development and Indigenous health.
qualifications: PhD
position: Professor and Head of Medical Education
David Prideaux is Professor of Medical Education and Head of the Department of Medical Education at Flinders University in Adelaide. His major interests are in curriculum design anfd evaluation and innovation in medical education. His research focus is in decision-making models for educational change.
qualifications: PhD
position: Head of General Practice and Rural Medicine, Director of Medical Education
Tarun Sen Gupta is Professor of Health Professional Education and Head of the Townsville Clinical School at the James Cook University College of Medicine and Dentistry, North Queensland, Australia. He was in rural practice in Richmond, north-west Queensland from 1987-1993, and has worked in rural medical education since 1993. He is a Rural Generalist Training Adviser for Queensland's Rural Generalist Pathway, a board member of the Rural Doctors Association of Queensland and the Rural Doctors Foundation, and Chair of the ACRRM Assessment Committee.
qualifications: PhD
position: Dean (Medicine)
Emeritus Professor Paul Worley, Executive Director of Clinical Innovation at the Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network, former Australian Rural Health Commissioner and former Dean of the School of Medicine at Flinders University, is the Editor-in-Chief of Rural and Remote Health. Paul is a practicing rural doctor and, as Editor, shapes and guides the journal, oversees the review process and supports and advises authors, taking an active interest in the progress of each article in production.
qualifications: PhD
position: Dean of Medicine
medical education, rural health care, workforce
qualifications: MBA
position: CEO
Rural and Remote Medicine; Medical Education; Rural Communities; Curriculum development; Junior doctors; Overseas trained doctors
Access to maternal health services for Indigenous women in low- and middle-income countries
Virtual communities of practice for novice occupational therapists
Recruitment and retention of rural allied health professionals: a scoping review
UBUNTU 2024: People, Place, and Policy for Community Wellness, 10–13 September 2024, Cape Town, South Africa
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23rd International Balint Congress, 9–13 September 2024, Boulder, CO, USA
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17th National Rural Health Conference, 16–18 September 2024, Perth, WA, Australia
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15th National Rural & Remote Allied Health Conference (SARRAH), 21–23 October 2024, Mildura, Australia
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RMA24, 23–26 October 2024, Darwin, NT, Australia
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International Conference on Rural Nursing and Rural Health (ICRNRH), 28–29 October 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
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15th National Rural & Remote Allied Health Conference: Going the distance, 21–23 October 2024, Mildura, Vic., Australia
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Rural GP Association of Scotland (RGPAS) Annual Conference #RGPAS24, 15–17 November 2024, Inverness, Scotland
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11th Biennial Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors Congress (PRIDoC) 2024, 2–6 December 2024, Kaurna Country, Adelaide, Australia
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4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
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