qualifications: MGHD
contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Resident
qualifications: Mb BAO BCh, MD
contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: General Practitioner and Professor or Rural General Practice
contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
qualifications: MRCPI
contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
qualifications: MD
contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Deputy Director
qualifications: MD
contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Professor of General Practice
Andrew W Murphy is Foundation Professor of General Practice at the National University of Ireland, Galway and a general practitioner at Turloughmore Health Centre.
He has published nationally and internationally on his research interests of the management of cardiovascular disease in the community; the provision of healthcare in rural areas; the primary and secondary care interface and educational research. He is principal investigator on a Health Research Board funded five year programme on the general practice care provided to patients with established heart disease. He teaches at under and post graduate levels, including the departmental Diploma and Masters in Primary Care - the only such programme available in Ireland. The North Western and Western Health Boards provide significant support to the department.
He has been involved in national policy making through his Chairmanship of the Primary Care Sub-Committee of the National Cardiovascular Strategy and his role as Secretary to the Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland. He was previously Senior Lecturer at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Lecturer in University College Dublin.
He is also a frustrated sailor and squash player.
qualifications: MBBS
contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Mayne Professor of Rural and Remote Medicine, Chair Rural WONCA
Dr Chater has been a rural practitioner in rural Australia for 42 years. He was the founding convenor of the Rural Doctors Associations of Queensland and Australia as well as the National Rural Health Alliance. He has been President of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. He is Chair of the WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice and Head of Discipline Rural and Remote Medicine, University of Queensland. He has a keen interest in Rural Health Policy as it effects rural communities as well as the clinical aspects of rural practice.
qualifications: FRCGP
contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Professor of General Practice and General Practitioner
Abstracts from the 15th National Rural & Remote Allied Health Conference (SARRAH 2024)
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The Murtupuni Statement on rural generalist professional practice in Australia
Abortion access challenges in Australian rural primary care
RWAV Conference 2025: Dreaming Big and Driving Change in Rural Healthcare, 19–21 February 2025, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
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2025 European Forum on Prevention and Primary Care, 5 & 6 March 2025, Zagreb, Croatia
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WONCA South Asia Region Conference 2025, 4–6 April 2025, Bengaluru, India
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WONCA Asia Pacific Region Conference 2025: Primary Care Transformation; Implementing High-value, High-quality Care!, 24–27 April 2025, Busan Korea
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9th European Young Family Doctors' Movement (EYFDM Forum), 25–27 April 2025, Grande Région
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Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network's National Rural Health Conference, 1–3 May 2025, Ōtautahi | Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand
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The Global Advanced Practice Summit: Improving Healthcare and Building Global Collaboration, 13 May 2025, online
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NRHA 30th Health Equity Conference, 19–20 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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NRHA 48th Annual Rural Health Conference, 20–23 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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2025 International Rural Nursing Conference, 27–30 May 2025, Arlington, TX, USA
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BC Rural Health Conference 2025, 6–8 June 2025, Prince George, BC, Canada
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4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
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14th EURIPA Rural Health Forum. Rural Reformation: Meeting Wellbeing and Healthcare Needs in Rural Communities, 26–28 June 2025, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
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Rethinking Remote 2025: Scotland's Rural Health Conference
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16th National Allied Health Conference: Empowering lives, shaping healthcare, 11–14 August 2025, Adelaide, Australia
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WONCA World Conference 2025: New Vision for Primary Health Care and Sustainable Development, 17–21 September 2025, Lisbon, Portugal
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NRHA 23rd Rural Health Clinic Conference, 23–24 September 2025, Kansas, MO, USA
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2025 Health Leadership Congress, 22–24 October 2025, Darwin, Australia
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Rural Mental Health Conference 2025 (RMHC25), 5–7 November 2025, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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4th EURACT Medical Education Conference, 23–25 April 2026, Iasi, Romania
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9th WONCA Africa Region Conference 2026, 10 & 11 September 2026, Gaborone, Botswana
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18th National Rural Health Conference, 14–17 September 2026, Adelaide, SA, Australia