
John  Grundy

John Grundy


John Grundy (BA,MPH) has a background in remote area community health in Australia, and as a project manager for health development projects in the Asian region (14 years international experience in Cambodia, the Philippines, North Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia, Myanmar and Malaysia). John has been involved as an academic with public health training and research in the university sector in Australia. He is currently a health systems and immunization consultant affiliated with the Nossal Institute for Global Health at the University of Melbourne, and is based in Cambodia. He has published articles on the subject of health management and immunization in the Asian region in peer reviewed literature, and also on the subjects of health promotion and primary health care research.

Articles contributed to by this person

Review Article 26 October 2010

Culture at the centre of community based aged care in a remote Australian Indigenous setting: a case study of the development of Yuendumu Old People's Programme

Project Report 15 April 2009

Reaching every district - development and testing of a health micro-planning strategy for reaching difficult to reach populations in Mongolia

Review Article 18 May 2007

Developments in immunization planning in Cambodia - rethinking the culture and organization of national program planning

Original Research 29 April 2004

Management systems response to improving immunization coverage in developing countries: a case study from Cambodia

Original Research 1 July 2003

Overview of devolution of health services in the Philippines

Original Research 26 March 2001

The impact of health system reform on remote health in Cambodia and the Philippines

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