
Sean B Maurice

Dr Sean Maurice ORCID logo

qualifications: PhD

department: Northern Medical Program

Dr. Sean Maurice is Assistant Dean of the Northern Medical Program (a rurally focused satellite campus of UBC Medicine), and Assistant Professor in the Division of Medical Sciences at the University of Northern British Columbia. He is a 3M National Teaching Fellow (2022 recipient). He is the provincial lead for the Healthcare Travelling Roadshow: an initiative that has been bringing multidisciplinary groups of healthcare students to rural communities to present to youth on healthcare careers, since 2010 ( His research interests include: rural distributed health professions education; and university-high school outreach and community engagement to build the rural health workforce. He gratefully acknowledges that the land on which he lives, works and plays is the ancestral and unceded territory of the Lheidli T’enneh

Articles contributed to by this person

Original Research 10 September 2019

The Healthcare Travelling Roadshow: a qualitative study of a rural community engagement initiative in Canada

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Te Tāreitanga: Evolving understanding of health workforce research, 9 December 2024, Dunedin, NZ, and online
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