Profiles And Contributions To This Article

A qualitative study: potential benefits and challenges of traditional healers in providing aspects of palliative care in rural South Africa

Laura  Campbell

Laura Campbell

qualifications: PhD

position: Post-doctoral scholar

South Africa

Laura Campbell is a specialist Family Medicine Physician. She has worked in rural South Africa and Australia. She is interested in researching palliative care in rural areas and submitted a PhD on curriculum development in December 2011.

Nyna  Amin

Nyna Amin

qualifications: DEd

position: Senior lecturer

Recipient: Distinguished Teacher Award (2011)National Commendation Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012), Research interests: issues of context, adversity, political, postructural and critical theory, qualitative approaches to research, issues of gender, class, race, postgraduate research education, higher education, interdisciplinary studies, research ethics, philosophy of education.

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