qualifications: PhD
contribution: wrote the first draft
position: Lecturer, primary care
Lecturer in Primary Health Care at Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. Coordinator of the Clinical Skills Lab and Community Based Teaching in Primary Health Centers.Special research interests are assessment methods, general practice network, teambuilding, clinical skills teaching methods.
qualifications: PhD
position: Adjunct Lecturer, rpidemiology & research methodology
General Practitioner, working in a semi-urban area Adj.Lecturer in Aristotle University Medical School of Thessaloniki,teaching Epidemiology, Research Methodology, Primary Care in under- and postgraduates. Research interests: Community Oriented Primary Care, Public Health Surveillance, Infectious diseases in the community...
qualifications: PhD
position: Research fellow, primary care
General Practitioner working in Greek NHS, in Primary care. Diploma in Epidemiology in London school of hygiene and tropical medicine. Phd in epidemiology in Medical school of Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki.