Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Use of point-of-care tests among general practitioners: a cross-sectional study in Saxony, Germany

Thomas  Frese

Thomas Frese

qualifications: MD

contribution: designed the project, wrote the first draft, devised survey tool

position: Research Fellow


Dr. Thomas Frese - General practitioner - Reasearcher at the Department of Primary Care, Leipzig Medical School

Kathleen  Steger

Kathleen Steger

qualifications: MD

contribution: collected data, contributed to drafts, literature review

position: Research Fellow

Tobias  Deutsch

Tobias Deutsch

qualifications: Graduate psychologist

contribution: statistical analysis, input data, contributed to drafts

position: Research Fellow

Gordian L Schmid

Gordian Schmid

qualifications: MD

contribution: contributed to drafts, literature review, interpretation of the results

position: Research Fellow

Hagen  Sandholzer

Hagen Sandholzer

qualifications: Professor

contribution: supervised data collection, contributed to drafts, revised the questionaire

position: Group leader

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