Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Implementation of an expanded-scope-of-practice physiotherapist role in a regional hospital emergency department

Donna  Goodman

Donna Goodman

qualifications: PhD

contribution: designed the project

position: Executive Director Allied Health at Cairns & Hinterland Hospital and Health Service and Adjunct Associate Professor, Division of Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University

Allied Health models of care, extended scope of practice, research translation.

Desley  Harvey

Dr Desley Harvey

qualifications: PhD

contribution: contributed to drafts

position: Principal Research Fellow


Tania  Cavanagh

Tania Cavanagh

qualifications: B Physiotherapy

contribution: contributed to drafts

position: Director of Physiotherapy

Rebecca  Nieman

Rebecca Nieman

qualifications: B Physiotherapy

contribution: contributed to drafts

position: Senior Physiotherapist

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