Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Control, uncertainty, and expectations for the future: a qualitative study of the impact of drought on a rural Australian community

Gina-Maree  Sartore

Gina-Maree Sartore

qualifications: PhD

contribution: literature review, statistical analysis, wrote the first draft

position: Postdoctoral research fellow


Brian  Kelly

Brian Kelly

qualifications: PhD

contribution: original concept, designed the project, contributed to drafts

position: Director


Director, Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, NSW, Australia Psychiatrist Research interests - population mental health, service models, education

Helen  Stain

Helen Stain

qualifications: PhD

contribution: designed the project, contributed to drafts

position: Senior lecturer


Clinical Psychologist and academic conducting program of research in child and adolescent mental health in rural areas with particular focus on psychotic disorders from perspective of early identification and intervention

Glenn  Albrecht

Glenn Albrecht

qualifications: PhD

contribution: contributed to drafts

position: Associate professor of environmental studies

Nick  Higginbotham

Nick Higginbotham

qualifications: PhD

contribution: contributed to drafts

position: Associate professor

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