Profiles And Contributions To This Article

A compulsory experiential and inter-professional rural health subject for undergraduate students

Siaw-Teng  Liaw

Siaw-Teng Liaw

qualifications: PhD

position: Professor


Teng is Professor of Rural Health at the University of Melbourne. His clinical background is academic general practice. He has extensive expertise and experience with quantitative and qualitative research methodologies as applied to health services, systems and health informatics research and education. He has published widely on research on safety, quality and integration of care across primary and secondary care settings in the clinical domains of therapeutics and prescribing, asthma, falls prevention and cancer risks screening.

barry  mcgrath

Barry Mcgrath

qualifications: PhD

position: Associate Professor


Research interests include the evaluation of rural health education, communication research, Indigenous health and palliative care.

Graeme  Jones

Graeme Jones

qualifications: MBBS

position: Senior Lecturer

Sub Dean, Rural CLinical School, Shepparton.

Ursula  Russell

Ursula Russell

qualifications: MBBS

position: Senior Lecturer

Lisa  Bourke

Prof Lisa Bourke

qualifications: PhD

position: Senior Lecturer


I am a researcher in rural health at the School of Rural Health, University of Melbourne. My research interests include the discipline of rural health in Australia, rural youth, rural communities, rural consumer perspectives and Indigenous health.

Bridget  Hsu-Hage

Bridget Hsu-Hage

qualifications: PhD

position: Associate Professor

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